Monday, July 14, 2014

A Paper Anniversary

Friday, July 11 was my one year Blogiversary.  One year of blogging, a paper anniversary.  The thing that strikes me most as I look over the past year of blogging is the extreme kindnesses and generosity of this community.  You share yourselves, your creative processes, your blogging techniques, everything!

I was at an author's speaking engagement yesterday.  A very likable and energetic writer of fiction.  I enjoy her books and her talk.  But I was very saddened by a statement she made about not allowing her older books to be free downloads on Amazon.  She said that she felt that sharing her creative work for free would diminish her work and value as an author. While I respect her view,  I couldn't disagree more.  I think creative work is enhanced in the sharing.  For example Alabama Chanin, Natalie Chanin has made her design aesthetic available to the masses through free content on her blog as well as books and DIY kits.   I believe that sharing always shapes our lives for the better.  I see it throughout my varying experiences of community.  I met unexpectedly with friends of my quilt guild yesterday.  Lunch and a lesson on making a crochet necklace spontaneously followed the encounter at JoAnn's (thanks Gay, Ramona and Melba!)

In much the same way, sharing is a way of life in this blogging community.  You have shaped my life for the better.  My paper airplane launched!  Thanks Friends!  Jessica Pearl


  1. Congrats on the milestone. Sharing what I have learned is why I started my blog. :)

  2. COngrats!!! I've enjoyed our first year of blogging together!! :)

  3. happy anniversary!!! sharing is good and i am always grateful to all the bloggers that share their tips and process. That looks like some pretty fancy yarn!

  4. Happy Blogiversary! And I'd have to agree. Blogland is full of so many amazing sharers and that's what makes it so special I think. And creativity seems to be something that grows incredibly fast when shared.
